About us
Established in 2006 , Gallery NoW has been curating a variety of exhibitions with the new vision for contemporary art.
Gallery NoW is a space that is always open to public, and we contribute to the art world by offering different programs like discovering young artists and promoting emerging and established artists. We are also building and providing platforms for the promotion of new Korean talents to the world and bringing in and introducing exciting international artists to our Korean public.
We aim to improve satisfaction of art lovers by offering different cultural/ artistic educational programs too.
We will exert all possible efforts to discover new consumer segments in the current art market by being actively involved in both national and international art fairs. Our aim is to encourage the consumption and owning of artworks in order to nurture and sustain a good cultural ecosystem.
By planning and running multilateral programs, we aim to provide exceptional cultural arts services.
2006년 문을 연 gallery NoW는 현대미술 새로운 비전을 목표로 현대미술의 확장된 예술의 영역을 넘나들며 예술로 소통할 수 있는 다양한 매체를 종합적으로 수용하여 다양한 전시를 진행하고 있습니다.
gallery Now는 언제나 열려 있는 공간으로 가능성 있는 젊은 작가 발굴 지원 프로그램, 작가 프로모션을 통해 한국예술계의 새로운 변화를 꾀하고 활로를 여는데 기여하고 있습니다. 또한 해외 갤러리, 작가들과의 교류를 통하여 한국작가의 작품을 소개하고 해외의 우수한 작품을 소개하는 등의 가교역할을 하고 있습니다.
문화 예술 교육프로그램을 통해 작품애호가들의 문화예술 만족도를 높이고자 합니다.
국.내외 아트페어에 참가 하며 기존 아트마켓의 다양한 소비층을 발굴하고 예술작품을 소비하고 소유하는 문화생태계를 형성하는데 일익을 담당하고자 합니다,
종합 아트컨설팅을 통해 다각적인 프로그램을 진행함으로써 열린 문화시대에 차별화 된 문화예술 서비스를 제공하고자 합니다.
Opening Hours 10:00-18:00 Closed on every Sunday and Monday |
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Contact Tel : +82(0)2-725-2930 Fax : +82(0)2-725-6999 E-mail : gallerynow@hanmail.net Address : gallery NoW 16, Eonju-ro 152, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea Valet info : 14 Eonju-ro 154-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (631-22 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul) |
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▶2006 GALLERY NoW Opening Exhibition
PHOTOGRAPHY NOW PartⅠ < Relation-Isolation >
▄ artists : Kim Woo-Young , Park Hyoung-Geun, Lee Joo-Yong, Lim Anna
▶2006 GALLERY NOW Opening Exhibition
PHOTOGRAPHY NOW PartⅡ < Shell of Photography, Skin of Art >
▄ artists : Koo Seong-Yeon, Park Jin-Ho, Shin Eun-Ryeong, An Chang-Hong, Lee Ju-Eun, Jung Dong-Seok, ChoSeup, Hong Sung-Do
▶2006 GALLERY NOW Opening Exhibition
PHOTOGRAPHY NOW PartⅢ < Sites & Structures >
▄ artists : Moon Sang-Un, Park Jin-Myung, Byeon Soon-Chul, Shin Eun-Kyung , Jung Gyu hyun
▶Jung Chang-Ki solo Exhibition < Gu Gu >
▄ artists : Jung Chang-Ki
▶Kim Nyoung-Man solo Exhibition < Scenery of time >
▄ artists : Kim Nyoung-Man
CEO : Lee Soon Shimㅣ Business License : 101-87-00172
Address : 16, Eonju-ro 152-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea , 06021
ㅣ CS : +82 (0)2-725-2930 ㅣ Fax : +82 (0)2-725-6999
Copyright ⓒ gallery NoW